The Horror When Humanity Is Forgotten
A venereal disease poster aimed at military service members. National Library of Medicine.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a 40-year lesson in how not to conduct medical research on human subjects.
Sadly, it wasn't the only episode where the United States and its government researchers neglected ethical obligations to participants in experiments. The Guatemala Experiments were a ghastly violation of patient rights, and serve as a stark reminder of why we need someone to watch the watchmen.
Interesting Information
“ETHICALLY IMPOSSIBLE” STD Research in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948 - Official Government Report
Records of John C. Cutler - Released by the National Archives and Records Administration, 2011
Row 1, L to R: A diagram of locations of facilities involved in the Guatemala experiments; venereal disease advertisement; clinical photograph of sore on study subject
Row 2 L to R: Medical record for a study subject; Dr. John C. Cutler; Cutler working with subjects of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
All images from National Archives and Records Administration or the National Library of Medicine.
The Guatemala Experiments - Pacific Standard
Worse That Tuskegee - Slate
Decades Later, NARA Posts Documents on Guatemalan Syphilis Experiments - Unredacted
Syphilis - CDC Fact Sheet (Detailed)
US medical tests in Guatemala ‘crime against humanity’ - BBC
Neurosyphilis - Practical Neurology
The Hippocratic Oath Today - PBS
Biological Basis for Syphilis - Clinical Microbiology Reviews
Judge: Lawsuit Over Guatemala Syphilis Experiment to Proceed - Voice Of America